Editorial board opportunities at LiveCoMS


We are looking for additional people to contribute to this innovative, community-run journal beyond writing an article or acting as referee. As the journal expands coverage in additional areas of computation, including machine learning and quantum mechanical calculations, we need further expertise on our Editorial Board.  

Is this for you? The time commitment is not very significant, but we can use the help of energetic creative researchers to help guide the journal as well as recruit and evaluate new articles.  There is also a role to play as the journal’s Recording Secretary who, besides being an Editorial Board member, is a leadership role on the board that entails ensuring procedures are followed according to our by-laws; the role require only a moderate time investment for an organized individual but represents a notable national service role. Applicants for the Editorial Board or Recording Secretary should have permanent positions (as faculty, in industry, at national labs, or equivalent) in fields relating to computational molecular science. We are also looking to expand the diversity of our Editorial Board both geographically and demographically.

If you’re interested in joining the Editorial board, or have any questions, please contact the managing editors at managing@livecomsjournal.org If you know of someone who may not not see this post or not on Twitter follow-ups, but appreciates what LiveCoMS is doing, please let them know about this opportunity!